Monday, March 12, 2007

Enough Free Space to Feel Creative Freedom

Just a quick thought that came to mind while reading a DENIM publication. A feeling I get when am working with a small monitor is feeling cramped. Does this space vary from person to person? Is there an optimal monitor size and resolution (x/y) that feels good?

I shove an object until it's at my peripheral, and then my main work is centered on my center of vision (fovea). Exactly how much space do I need to not feel cramped. Does the noise that exist in my peripheral vision affect my ability to give attention to the center of vision?

Note to self, update later when I have time with research on the above questions.

Update: I was reading Francois's (from Stanford) thesis, and he wrote that one group preferred not to use LiveBoard (a digital tool) because it couldn't fit all of their ideas successfully. They said a proper tool should include at least 100 different ideas.

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